Room Reservations

Hill College House Residents - Have access to spaces in accordance with the House’s room use policy and hours. Residents can reserve the Music Room(s), Club Lounge, Kitchen, Art Room, and Multipurpose Room.  * The Multipurpose Room closes at 11 pm, and no reservation requests beyond that time will be approved.

Please submit your request at least two days in advance, and your request should not exceed more than 2 hours at a time. Reservations are monitored and approved Monday through Friday 10am-4pm. Reservations made after 4pm on Friday afternoon will not be approved until Monday at 10am


Reservation forms can be found at  

  • Log in with your Pennkey and password
  • Go to the Calendar (left menu bar)
  • Click the “Room Reservation” Tab
  • Click “Add a Room Reservation”
  • Complete the form and submit

You will be notified via email whether your request has been approved or declined. Those with approved reservations can gain access to the reserved space at the Info Center (at the entrance of the building).

Hill College House reserves the right to cancel or deny a reservation request at any time.  Rooms are reserved on a first-come, first-served basis, but please note that Hill College House Staff and Residents are given priority.  

Non-Hill College House Residents - Non-residents can reserve spaces in accordance with the House's room use policy and hours. You must seek approval from the Hill College House Office -  Please submit your request at least two days in advance.  Your request should not exceed more than 2 hours at a time.  You will be notified via email whether your request has been approved or declined. Those with approved reservations will be added to the room reservation calendar and can gain access to the reserved space at the Info Center (at the entrance of the building). 

To reserve a space to host a program or event in conjunction with Hill College House Staff, you must seek approval from the Hill College House Office.  Room requests require at least two weeks' notice and must be open to Hill College House residents. We also ask that you request a space for no more than 2 hours at a time.

Hill College House reserves the right to cancel or deny a reservation request at any time.  Rooms are reserved on a first-come, first-served basis but please note that Hill College House Staff and Residents are given priority.  

The use of our rooms requires the person or organization reserving the space to take full responsibility for the equipment in there.  If any damage is made to the equipment, the person or organization reserving the space may be liable for any repairs or replacements.  

Space Use Guidelines:

  • The person submitting the reservation must be the person gaining access to the reserved space at the Information Center unless otherwise noted in the reservation request.

  • The individual reserving the space is responsible for ensuring that the reserved space is left in the same condition in which it was found at the start of the reservation.

  • The individual reserving the space is responsible for providing their own cords and laptops/devices to connect to a projector and/or speakers.

  • Dry-erase boards must be cleaned by the conclusion of the reservation. Notes may not be saved on the dry-erase boards.

  • Trash and recycling must be removed and placed in appropriate receptacles by the end of the reservation.

  • All personal items should be removed at the end of the reservation.

  • Noise levels should comply with Quiet Hours. Courtesy Hours are in effect at all times.

  • Rooms should not be left unattended during the reservation.

  • In compliance with CHAS residential policies and procedures, alcohol is not permitted to be served at events in Hill College House.

  • In compliance with CHAS residential policies, some items, including candles and incense, are prohibited. Special exceptions can be made through the House Office for religious or cultural observations.


Kitchen Use Guidelines:

  • This space is available if there is no reservation. Monday – Friday, 9 AM – 5 PM. 
  • Trash and food waste should be discarded in the appropriate receptacle at the conclusion of the reservation. Waste should not be left in the sink.

  • Solid food waste should not be poured down the drain.

  • The kitchen should be cleaned at the conclusion of the reservation. The individual who reserved the space is responsible for ensuring the following:

    • Stovetops and countertops are wiped down.

    • Dishes, pots, pans, and utensils should be washed and dried. House-owned items should be put away, and personal belongings should be removed.

    • If you use the dishwasher, you must wait until the end of the cycle to empty the dishwasher and put items away.

    • Items should not be left on the counter to dry.

  • All belongings should be removed at the conclusion of the reservation.

  • Health and Safety precautions should be taken at all times when using the kitchen- do not leave the oven or microwave on and unattended.

  • Items in the refrigerator/freezer should be labeled with the name, date, and event associated with their owner. Anything not labeled or claimed will be discarded.


Reserving College House Spaces
Information on reserving other College House spaces.