Looking to Advertise in or near Hill College House?
- Please bring a copy of your flyer to the Hill College House Office during normal business hours (Monday - Friday; 9 am-5 pm).
- Upon approval, Hill College House Staff will post approved flyers to the designated bulletin board wall in the atrium (only one copy will be posted).
- Flyers posted outside of the designated board or flyers posted to the board by non-Hill House Staff will be removed.
- Leafleting under doors and soliciting is prohibited.
- Chalking and Tabling on and/or in front of Hill College House premises is prohibited.
- Please use the public space (brick walkway that is furthest away from Hill) There is a long gray stone line that marks the start of this area. Anything before this space (closer to Hill) will be removed.
For detailed information on CHAS advertising policies, please visit:
The below image is an example of what is unauthorized for flyering in Hill: