Hill Faculty In Residence

Hill College House is a first-year House with lots of life!! There is always something fun and new happening in Hill so it's no wonder why most first-year students think Hill is the BEST College House. Below are some brief descriptions of different programming Hill has to offer.


Hill's Faculty Director and College House Fellows offer a magnitude of various programming inside and outside the College House. There is always something entertaining, amusing and interesting to explore and discuss at a faculty event. Read below to grasp an understanding of what each faculty member has to offer and what their general interests are. 


           Julie Sochalski (Faculty Director)- We’re delighted that you have chosen Hill College House – the best house on campus! – to be your home base at Penn. You will find friends for life here, and together we will make Hill a community for the ages. My many forays in halls of power in Washington DC—including 3 years in the Obama Administration—has made me a true political junkie, so watch for my invites to take in political debates, movies, and lectures/events in our House or on/off-campus. As a nurse I am passionate about all things health and health care, so join me for a trip to the Mutter Museum and virtual reality trips through our anatomy! And my signature– I love to bake/cook and enjoy having partners in the kitchen (to bake or just to eat!) and exploring the culture of food so let the good times roll!

            Fayyaz Vellani (College House Fellow)-  Welcome to Hill College House! As a geographer, I am passionate about exploring the city of Philadelphia.  Please join me on adventures in hiking (Wissahickon Creek), gardening (Bartram’s Farm), viewing street art (mural walks), and examining living history (Old City).  Then there is the food for which this city is renowned.  Whether you’re into cheesesteaks, Italian, Mexican, Ethiopian, Lebanese, or any variety of vegetarian, Philly is your town, and I’m happy to be your guide. I’m also interested in politics, working to create spaces in which residents can engage in dialogue about issues of concern to them.  As a writing professor, I love all things related to writing and plan to hold programs where we write, think, and talk about writing.

            Elizabeth Scheyder (College House Fellow)-  Welcome to Penn and Hill College House! After graduating from Penn as a Systems Engineering major, I worked downtown, designing instrumentation for manufacturing facilities. Eventually, I returned to Penn as an employee in SAS Computing. After earning my PhD here, I started teaching one course per semester. As a geek at heart, I enjoy gadgets, tinkering, old cars and digital multimedia. Cooking and baking are like science experiments to me, and I love sharing the results with friends. I also enjoy windowsill gardening, local and cultural history (particularly through cemeteries), and trap & skeet shooting. I've taught Critical Writing at Penn and spent 2 summers teaching in Beijing. Currently, I teach in the Digital Humanities Program in SAS and in Climate Change for LPS Online. I'm always available to assist students with projects or presentations, or to simply have a relaxed conversation over tea. Student mental health is a priority, so please don't hesitate to reach out anytime. You can find me in Hill 472, and our home phone number is on the door, along with a squirrel-shaped doorknocker to ensure we hear your knock!

            Robert Scheyder (College House Fellow)-  Welcome to Hill College House! I enjoy teaching Computer Programming at Penn's College of Liberal and Professional Studies, specializing in languages like Python, Mathematica, and MATLAB since 2015. Currently, I am also developing an engaging course on Artificial Intelligence from the perspective of the Philosophy of Science for LPS's English Language Programs. Prior to this, I taught Electrical Engineering Technology at NJIT. My educational background includes bachelor's and master's degrees from Penn in Philosophy of Science and Mathematics. Moreover, I bring extensive experience in computer/information systems engineering and project management to the classroom.

As a technology enthusiast, I consider myself a Macintosh guru, a Linux user, and a Microsoft realist. Born in New York City and raised in New Jersey, I have had the privilege of traveling extensively throughout England, Austria, Germany, and China. Feel free to engage with me on various topics including computer programming, philosophy of science and mathematics. I also enjoy restoring legacy NeXT and Macintosh computers, as well as maintaining an antique Porsche.

Whenever you need assistance or simply want to connect, don't hesitate to visit me in Hill 472. I'm always delighted to see you and discuss anything of interest.


Please click this LINK to check out our Flickr page that will give you a visual of all the fun outings and events our staff committees plan and don't forget to follow us!!